Top Thermostat Tips

Top Thermostat Tips

Let’s talk about setting your thermostat just right and why programmable thermostats are your secret weapon. Your thermostat may seem like a small player in the HVAC world, but it’s the unsung hero that can make your home an oasis of comfort and help you...
Sewer Line Maintenance for Homeowners

Sewer Line Maintenance for Homeowners

When it comes to being a homeowner, there is a hidden danger lying beneath your property that, if overlooked, might turn your serene house into a nightmare. Today we will uncover the possible dangers that homeowners like you run into when they disregard routine sewer...
Which HVAC System is Best?

Which HVAC System is Best?

Deciding which HVAC system is best for your home can be overwhelming. Koala Cooling is here to help make it a little easier. Today, we will look at types of HVAC systems and what to take into consideration when choosing. HVAC SYSTEMS First, we have the central air...
Why Your Toilet Won’t Flush Properly

Why Your Toilet Won’t Flush Properly

There is always more to a plumbing job than meets the eye. Today, we will explore the strange world of bathroom issues, specifically why your toilet wont flush properly. You flush your toilet, but it seems to be whispering secrets to you with its continue whishing of...
Fall HVAC SYSTEM Maintenance

Fall HVAC SYSTEM Maintenance

Finally, the heat subsides in Texas, and there’s a nip in the air. This is the perfect time to talk about ways to maintain your HVAC system this fall and determine if you need a system check. Let’s dive in, and you can be sure that your HVAC system is ready for...
The Lifespan of Your HVAC System

The Lifespan of Your HVAC System

No one wants to replace their HCAV system, and you may be wondering, “How long should my HVAC system last?” Well, let’s look into this together.  Drumroll, please… An HVAC system typically lasts between ten and twelve years. Similar to good wine,...